Stories from Fabulamundi

Theatre Insights

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How do you recount a European project like Fabulamundi on video? How can you tell the stories of its 120 authors as well as their thousands of texts? And what of the hundreds of activities they have carried out to date?

We started from these questions and chose 8 Fabulamundi authors, one for each partner country, to try to relate the project from their point of view. We asked each author to write a text, a single act halfway between cinema and theatre which, starting from an episode that actually happened in the context of Fabulamundi, reflected their point of view of the project.

Eight different texts were created, which talk about Fabulamundi from as many unpublished points of view. Eight autonomous scenes, linked to each other by one precise thread: the theatre. Even where sequences are set elsewhere, all were in fact shot in the theatre, between stage, foyer and audience, in order to create a constant friction between reality and fiction. This “realistic” style of cinema uses the codes of theatrical fiction, in which a viewer “agrees to believe in a shared fiction”.

In between scenes, the authors themselves speak in the first person. Their on-camera testimonies are hyphens that link a series of snapshots which enter their creative process. What prompted them to write? What experiences have they lived? What is their vision of theatre and of Europe?


stories from Fabulamundi

a project by Belloni / Boato / Danesin
directed by Giulio Boato
dramaturgy Davide Carnevali and Giulio Boato
sound and music Lorenzo Danesin
line producer Laura Belloni

with (in order of appearance)
Sylvia De Fanti, Elisabetta Mandalari, Marco Cavalcoli, Miguel Gobbo Diaz, Stefano Patti, Luca Mascolo, Massimo Odierna, Arianna Pozzoli, Maria Vittoria Argenti, Caterina Carpio

and with the playwrights
Helena Tornero, Roman Sikora, Elise Wilk, Claudius Lünstedt, Davide Carnevali, Nathalie Fillon, Elzbieta Chowaniec, Maxi Obexer

a PAV production
in collaboration with Kublai Film
director of photography Andrea Gallo
artistic collaboration Mauro Lamanna
assistant director Giusy Guadagno
costume designer Marta Montevecchi
make-up artist Giorgia Melillo
photo © Claudia Pajewski